
Hello World

Language: English 中文

My first blog on my own site

Hi, here is LeoJhon.Song's first post! I suppose the only reason you are here is that you have nothing else to do. 😉
or because I shamefully wrote nothing else than this.

OK. Finally, I build my own sweet little blog independent from annoy Chinese blog sites. It looks far much better don't it?

I plan to 1⃣ log my study experience (I found posting my schedule could force me doing things which I intend to do but not do at last because of laziness) and maybe some casual essay if I have the mood. It is really a good way to arrange your knowledge since there are too many small pieces of knowledge nowadays. Besides, a most important reason is that I want to 2⃣ share the cool things I found as I find it tastes the same with taking drug.

I hope the future me won't forget this.
